03.12.07: Full English lyrics for all Marrow of a Bone songs are now up thanks to Kayo//Maggot-tan over at http://www.freewebs.com/screaming-maggot/index.htm . In other news it seems Dir en grey will be going on a European tour to promote Marrow of a Bone and the Japanese version
of the Family Values Tour CD will be coming out soon as well, basically with the same stuff on it that the American edition
had. More information as it is found.
03.14.07: I have added the curret European tour dates that Dir en grey is going to be heading on in the Tour Dates section. Also, one of my fellow Dir en grey fansite aficianatos has revised their site, and so you all should check
it out and sign his guestbook and stuff. It's in the Related Links section, SCREAMING MAGGOT is what I have it under.